7 دیدگاه برای “اگر من نمی توانم استفاده از vpn در شبکه مدرسه من چه کنم؟”

  1. Don’t give up! Use your school’s fascist network as a learning tool.

    You will find the possibility of being able to use your VPN, and thus, having the internet freedom you deserve to have.

    Censorship is the most horrible thing.

  2. Setup an ssh server on a spare computer(use cygwin to do it on windows or just do it with one command on Linux)

    Have port forwarding on you router direct port 443 or port 80 to port 22 then ssh tunnel to the spare computer using putty (look up guides on this). That is if your doing this on a laptop that you own or if you have admin privs somehow on a school computer)

  3. What are you trying to achieve? Just web browsing? Remote access for something ? Are you looking for a Remote Desktop sort of thing ?

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