2 دیدگاه برای “Dentrix over VPN”

  1. I’m pretty new to this, but is it possible for your client to have RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol) enabled?

    I recently set up a Raspberry Pi on my home network with a Wireguard server for this exact purpose. I can run software on my home computer while being anywhere.

    All I do is connect to the VPN, and then access my local desktop. Super simple!

  2. we have a current client doing this with Dentrix. You will need to purchase Dentrix enterprise which is very expensive. Its a violation of the licensing to run a second office on standard Dentrix. We found this out after setting up a VPN and running the client agents across vpn. They are terribly slow. You might be able to get away with running RDP server and using standard Dentrix but Henry Schein will not support that and recommends the enterprise version. Which by the way you will need a terminal server and run the second office via rdp. A lot of Dentists will opt to run a second Dentrix server in the new office with the idea of being able to sell it off as a separate practice later on.

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