VPN و کدی

من کدی در پی تمشک است که متصلند از طریق روتر بی سیم در حال اجرا است. من روتر را در openwrt اجرا می شود. اگر بخواهم l را من کدی جریان صندوق امانات، باید همه ترافیک عبور از روتر از طریق VPN و یا من فقط می تواند راه اندازی رسبری پای من با دو VPN رمزگذاری ترافیک کدی؟

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4 دیدگاه برای “VPN و کدی”

  1. I’d be interested in other answers as well but I haven’t heard of any easy way to only allow a certain device to use a VPN when the router is connected to it. I imagine you could manually set some routes and whatnot though.

    I’d just run OpenVPN on the Pi with Kodi. Although unless you’re hosting servers, is there any reason you couldn’t pass all devices to the VPN by just using the router?

  2. Either way will work. I run ddwrt with vpn client connected to PIA. Some devices on lan are router through VPN (such as kodi) while other are not (defined by iptables). Few RPi are behind the router running additional services.
    “I Know how you can Route few devices over vpn and Rest over isp

    Give all devices which should route over vpn a static ip adress if you use Standard ddwrt Setup give them a ip in this Range


    Laptop: Kodi box:

    Then under Services / vpn theres a Policy based routing Field Write there all the static ip adress from the devices which should use vpn 1 ip per line Save and apply all other Device use your isp


    Under Administration / commands delete the old firewall Script and add this 1 per line Save as Firewall reboot Router deactivate openvpn Client all the Devices which you add in Policy based routing dont have Internet Connection all other Devices (isp) will work

    iptables -I FORWARD ! -o tun1 -s -j DROP iptables -I FORWARD ! -o tun1 -s -j DROP

    Dont forget to change the tun number?

    And add under Setup /Basic DNS (DNS leak protection)

    DNS 1: <– Google or something else DNS 2: <– Google or use something Else DNS 3: <– private ip”

  3. If I ran a VPN client only on the raspberry PI. Traffic wise, from the ISP side, how would that traffic to/from my raspberry PI appear? Since my router would not be connected to the VPN, and unencrpted, would the PI still appear to be “Somewhere else”? I don’t use an VPN service yet, so sorry if these questions seem weird.

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