61 دیدگاه برای “گر چه هنر سطح:”

  1. Grinding smithing was such a fucking bitch. I remember buying all the iron in one town, using the forge, selling the blacksmith my fifty, shitty daggers, and then going to the next town and doing the same. Eventually, I stopped even trying to sell the fucking daggers, and just left them in a pile next to the forge. I probably spent a day of my actual life buying a digital town’s worth of digital iron, turning it into digital, shitty daggers, and leaving them in a digital pile next to a digital forge, all across Skyrim. All so that I could make game-breaking Deadric armor, and be disappointing every time I opened a loot box at the end of a cave.

  2. Just add a little..


    and then some..


    and finally..


    You have an iron dagger!

  3. I remember buying a ton of iron and spamming those daggers and enchanting them, only to sell ’em and to buy more iron…

    Ver 2.0: Now without mistakes!

  4. Since this is the first thing you make as soon as you enter Whiterun, I’d say crafting level: novice.

  5. Wow, wasn’t expecting much honestly when I clicked in here, but this guy has some serious skills. Maybe start an Instagram, man? I hear thats how people with useless or less mainstream skills get rich?

  6. I was hoping that dagger would level him up and then he’d make some daedric armor out of nowhere.

  7. I feel like after you grind to 100 once manually you can legally just set it to 100 afterwards

  8. I use to just steal iron from underneath the blacksmith’s workbench in riverwood

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