Cloud IPsec Service

Instead of installing agents on all of my machines or creating a linux box to act as my gateway I have been looking for a cloud service that I can use with my Palo Alto PA200 firewall to establish a VPN tunnel with. Does anyone know of such a service?

I know I can always set something up in AWS or another cloud service to do the same but would rather find a service so there is less to setup and maintain. Thanks!

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spoof gps location using dd-wrt?

So I saw some old posts about this. I still wanna know if this is possible.

Let’s say I use my phone, and the program needs to have permission to location service, normally you can run a program on the phone to fake the gps location as well. But if the router could do this instead, that would be fantastic, less things need to be installed on the phone and have running in the background. So if a router just spoofed this would help. So you don’t have to disable locations in browser etc. As you’d want your phone to actually tell you the weather where you are not somewhere else.

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Need help using tap dev mode with OpenVPN for upnp support.

So my uni needs proxy to connect to and only allows traffic via TCP 443 port. Since I have an xbox, I want to connect it to the internet. I use openVPN and get config files from TCPVPN. However, all of these use *tun* dev while xbox requires NAT and upnp, which apperently works with *tap*.
My xbox says connected, downloads games, but says:
NAT – Strict
uPnp – Unsuccessful

Where do I get *tap* dev VPN config files? What am I supposed to do?

Here is my set-up:
I connect my laptop to the uni wifi, then I set up my VPN with OpenVPN, then I share the LAN connection made my the VPN with my ethernet port which is connected to my xbox.

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Ordering Clothing Using VPN

Hello, i will explain my situation because i really need some help as i am failing to understand how this works.
Before i start i want to say that i live in Serbia, South-East part of Europe (this is important).
Okay, to the problem now. I am trying to order a piece of clothing from a website. When i enter the UK website it auto transfers me to Canada website. My issue is that i can not even order from there as they only ship to Canada if ordered on Canadian website.
I managed to enter the UK website using VPN. Now, my question is, are they still going to be able to actually ship it to me if i order using VPN or no since my country apparently is not even supported without VPN.
Hope this is clear enough, thanks in advance!

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VPN router question

I want to setup a VPN router, but I want to pick and choose which devices go through the VPN tunnel and which dont.

Is that possible? I was hoping to either be able to setup rules to pick and choose which devices i want to connect via VPN. Or ideally, have 2 WIFI SSID’s. One call it X and the other X-VPN where I can use that for the VPN connected devices.

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HI VPN I have a question about IP locations

I was getting shady messages from visitors to my website. Non sequiturs for subject and message. Real names who were unaware when I looked them up, fake addresses, emails and phone numbers. They were subtly telling me they were going to hack me-the subjects and messages were always cryptic and one word like “following” “insult” “gain” “searching” ‘Tracking” ect.

How are the IPs determined? I had one whose location was the Kermlin and Iwould think it would be rather difficult to access a Kremilin server


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