من یکی از دوستان که در سوئد زندگی می کند از کل مسئله Pirating دوست من (که دوست دارد در حال مشاهده آمریکا نشان می دهد)، گرفتن وحشت زده است گرفتار شده و به زندان فرستاده اند. خواندم که داشتن یک شبکه اختصاصی مجازی در سوئد قانونی است، اما فقط برای امنیت یا / و جریان بیش از حد?
متاسفانه، هر چند همه آنها صحبت سوئدی وجود دارد بسیار در مورد تونن و یا اگر این سوال باید بروید به VPN و یا سوئد subreddits نمی دونم…
باید اضافه کنم او است شبکه اختصاصی مجازی است که به او پرداخت کند.
It seems also terrifying that you have to go to jail for watching US shows. The last time this was the case was probably in the Soviet Union… 😉
I’m Swedish aswell. Your friend is dumb.
Streaming pirate tv shows is illegal in sweden. VPN s are legal. No one gets caught for streaming illegally and no one is gong to jail for that in Sweden. Use a VPN as well and your friend is super safe
At some point, man has a moral responsibility to break laws that pose an undue hardship on his liberties. The Swedes are becoming known for being particularly immoral, worldwide even, because they are not defending themselves on any issue.
> my friend (who loves watching US shows), is terrified of getting caught and sent to jail.
Is he really that paranoid? Dear me, how fear works to control the masses.
The answer is: No.