30 دیدگاه برای “مقدار بار من را دیده اند این استدلال حیرت انگیز است.”

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  2. Did you know that many kids drown in water, and yet when we put it in cups it becomes *magically* safe?

  3. Did you know that antivaxxers are considered poisonous on their own but when mixed & grouped they magically become scientists?

    # #Because$tupidity

  4. “FACT: Rubber, aluminum, metal, and gasoline cannot get up on their own and fly around the room, but put them together and have a person pilot them and suddenly you just MAGICALLY have an airplane?

    Nice try, $cience! But I’m not falling for your trickery!”

  5. The world would be a much better place if people would just pay attention in school, or listen to their doctors instead of listening to quacks pushing “secret knowledge”.

  6. Hydrogen is highly flammable. So is pure oxygen. But when you combine them it’s magically safe for firefighters to throw it on house fires?

    Edit: I’m told my description of oxygen isn’t entirely accurate by people who know science better. Point still stands, though.

  7. This isn’t a recipe for a cake, Karen.

    You’re mixing atoms/molecules in a very specific way. Not adding brown sugar to your vegan, gluten-free shit cookies

  8. It’s almost like compounds behave differently than the individual elements that make them up.

  9. I’m no salt scientist but I think the commenter is wrong too. All three can be poisonous or not poisonous, depending on dosage.

  10. They need to start making the dissemination of crap like this a crime and people need to start paying a penalty before too many needless deaths happen.

  11. It’s almost like chemicals react to each other and act differently together rather than separate, weird, right?

  12. No educated person calls it “magically”, they call it basic understanding of 8th grade chemistry.

  13. Nah. You need to jack it up. Sodium. Releases flammable gas when it touches water and explodes. Chlorine. Killed thousands of soliders during wwi. NaCl. Kitchen salt. Required by the human body for normal functionality

  14. How is poisonous spelt wrong so many times when it’s on the post they’re replying too

  15. Lead is poisonous. That’s why we don’t use lead in vaccine anymore. Formaldehyde is poisonous. That’s why we don’t use it anymore.

    Even if you consider old timely vaccine. The minute amount of lead in a single shot is probably less than what you’d get if you eat a kilo of deep sea fish.

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