VPN & Virtual Machine ?

very new to this, and want to make sure I don’t mess this up.

I’m trying to get a connection that is 100% seen as based in USA. This is for work, I’m an email marketer and need to get some companies sales emails for research but some filter out sends based on location if it’s outside their shipping area.

I’ve tried a VPN on my mac, but this hasn’t really done the job (Still showing local google results).

I’ve been advised to use a virtual machine combined with a VPN… but I have a concern.

if my macbook has a VPN does that transfer automatically to the VM?

if not… how can I make sure I connect the VM to the VPN from the start?

I’d be using virtual box to set up windows for context.

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2 دیدگاه برای “VPN & Virtual Machine ?”

  1. Hi there!

    For google, try to use an incognito window and disable browser GPS.

    For VM, install a VPN app on VM and then try to use it.

    Let me know if that helps.

  2. There should be an option to select either NAT or Bridged connection. Choose NAT if you want to have a different location (different ip address) from the host machine or choose Bridged if you don’t care that the ip address is the same as the host. NAT is a little more protected.

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