64 دیدگاه برای “من irl”

  1. Shit that’s good. I love saying EZ loss to my opponents that type EZ win in chat.

  2. I’m happy I saw this. Next time someone says this to me, I have the perfect come-back. Thanks for the share, OP!

  3. I think this even qualifies for murdered by words, short but sweet and leaves no opening for a valid response or comeback.

  4. This is the first me irl that made me laugh. not out loud though, but a hearty chuckle.

  5. Reminds me of the bad guy from the Shaft movie yelling at him “you kill me motherfucka” while he’s running towards him stabbing himself.

  6. This is actually a great response for when my team tells me to kill myself in league because im so bad

  7. I have a stalker that tells me to go kill myself. I would totally use this line if they weren’t completely unhinged. They would probably take it as an invitation.

  8. Upvoting because killing the self is the first step on the spiritual path toward attaining enlightenment.

  9. i’d add a line at the end: “i’d love to see you one last time.”

  10. But see, he/she is the real pussy because they cant kill the self, so they project on others in hope’s of antagonizing them enough to kill him/her.

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