43 دیدگاه برای “این madlad کامل و مطلق.”

  1. Noooo not the sand! oh shit he did it! He’s gonna find sand in cracks he didn’t know he had!

  2. *DANGER – HIGH VOLTAGE* – **Keep Out**

    “And that children is why you should not be like Peter”

  3. Pure brutality, and marvelous to behold. The big clock while skating really made this gif.

  4. The sand and the water buckets are the ones that annoyed me, the signs are there so some underpaid janitor doesn’t have to do more shite work

  5. I feel like this doesn’t belong here, I wouldn’t want to watch this through more than once it’s too long.

  6. It was all fun and games until he poured sand on himself, even i have the “3 weeks later and still finding sand” feeling.

  7. Ok dumping a bucket of water on yourself in a lobby does take some guts. Other wise yeah, what everyone else has been saying

  8. Heh the “do not put head under water” sign is there for a reason. It’s because there are brain eating amoeba in that water – so yeah, excellent idea.

  9. How the hell does a 1-minute long gif qualify as “better every loop”?

  10. Don’t feed birds bread. It gives them headaches and is basically a narcotic for them.

  11. Oh man, this was infuriating to watch. Cannot watch again; watching again would be torture!

  12. Why did we create the mad lads subreddit when we already had first world anarchists?

  13. I want to do such thing every time I see a “do not seat down please” chair on a museum. But I’m not such a badass 🙁

  14. *sploosh*

    Or whatever the male equivalent of sploosh is.

    Which I guess is just sploosh.

  15. I have mixed feelings about this gif. Part of me is amused.

    the other part of me feels sorry for the janitors who have to deal with the sand/water this guy’s tracking around.

  16. This feels like it doens’t belong here, it’s way too long to watch through more than once; and it looks like it’s all rendered in slow motion to boot.

    Maybe /r/madlads instead?

  17. It would be satisfying to find news on this guy having to pay fines for every badass thing he did and of course, his retarded face of regret lol

  18. With this repost, you really should link up his whole collection of these. They are great.

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