105 دیدگاه برای “توجه داشته باشید عشق ساخت.”

  1. I was watching it at first, and I was thinking “man, I could do this”

    Then I kept watching and I was like “damn, this is escalating.”

    Then it kept going and I thought “man, I don’t think I’ll have time to do this…”

    Then I saw the ending and said “oh yeah, I don’t have a significant other…..”

  2. But the previous visual is not preserved since he’s adding detail to other half in subsequent unfoldings?

  3. Now I like that final beach scene, BUT it bugs me to no end that when she opens the card and gets to the 2nd to last page everything is screwy with that last rose/carnation. Certainly seems like this art was made for the gif and not the note itself.

  4. This is cute but kinda ruined by the fact that when you fold it back up all the drawings kinda blend over eachother. Opening it the second time will actually not be as nice. They skipped through the ending too fast to really see what I mean.

  5. Would be better if it opened up one last time after the painting was finished

  6. I love writing my girlfriend love notes.. this makes me deeply regret the fact that I cannot draw to save a life lol

  7. Yes! I say yes!

    … I mean, *cough* Cool work art, bro. You’re so gonna get laid.

    *looks slowly out the window wishing he had drawn this for me*

  8. *Makes amazing note*
    Him: Here you go honey!

    Her: Uh, thanks, what’s it for?

    Him: It’s our anniversary!

    Her: Our anniversary isn’t until next week, are you seriously telling me you forgot the exact date AGAIN?!

    Him: Fuck.

  9. This went from “oh neat, what a cool idea…” to “draw the rest of the fucking owl” real quick.

  10. This seem like an a lot of effort, when saying “Netflix and chill” use to work just fine

  11. I want to see what it would look like when opening it.. after its finished. Not as its being painted. 🙁

  12. Please start selling these online. My tought is that it would make the world a (slightly…) better place…

  13. Alright, who on r/slavelabour wants to make this for me? I’ll pay $3.24 and a half eaten bag of doritos, your choice of flavor

  14. My dumbass wouldn’t even be able to fold it back to where it started let alone draw like that.

  15. This went on so long I was starting to expect a drawing of undertaker throwing mankind…

  16. This is a super sweet gesture. Now I’m tempted to make one featuring monkeys for someone special. ?

  17. Unfortunately this video seems cooler than the actual process of opening this up ?

  18. Me after the first few folds: aw that’s cute I’ll give it my best shot! She’ll love it!

    Me after a few more folds: ok maybe I’ll just do a small one.

    Me when he paints the fucking rainforest: I’ll just get her some flowers

  19. Only works in this format, as soon as your give it to someone they are going to open it all the way up and wonder why you have a bunch of random stuff on the front. Would have to like number and instruct which sides to open I think.

  20. Man, I don’t think I’ll ever love anyone enough for this kinda stuff. It’s got cheetahs and everything.

  21. Imagine trying to pass this note in class and having your teacher snatch it from you haha

  22. If someone could reverse this GIF so I can see the note being unfolded that would be greeeeaat. Kthnx

  23. I’m confused… where are the puns and dick pics? How is this supposed to be romantic?

  24. Sweet, so like in 20s I could make a card like this for my wife….time to find my kids water paint set and a piece of paper.

  25. “This has been the worst trade deal in the history of trade deals, maybe ever”

  26. *tirelessly makes love note – gives to crush*

    Crush: Yeah, I don’t like you like that. Thanks though.

  27. I would look at the first picture and bin it. But this has been an eye opener tbh ?

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