37 دیدگاه برای “دانشگاه من است این قلم بی فایده و خواندن عنوان”

  1. I don’t even understand why they would want to use this? It genuinely looks like they’re trying to make it unreadable.

  2. So, benefit of the doubt, I could see this actually being a cool way to generate dynamic graphics for fliers or whatever. But, if this is actually meant to be *read* (as in, the actual text isnt somewhere else on the page), then yeah this really terrible.

    If they’re shooting for the first idea, it seems like it would make more sense to make the shapes not so “letter-like” (so people aren’t sitting there trying to read it).

  3. This looks like a code I would use on my D&D group in an ancient dungeon. In fact I might actually use this.

  4. From what I’ve seen this isn’t a font to create legible headlines. It’s made to generate a geometric logo that is like some procedurally generated corporate design.

  5. So this is a 10 year old debate in DK, which has mostly died down as of now, but it still comes up now and then. [This is an archived article from 2008 on the university in questions archive](http://www.au.dk/om/profil/historie/x-import/arkiv/2008/artikler/nr13/nytlogo/), in which the then principal of the university and the designer addresses the reasoning behind the design. To sum up their points:

    * It is supposed to look modern, by using only simple geometric forms, circles, squares and triangles.

    * It has to make an impression, while still being easily recognisable and graphically pleasing.

    * It is supposed to be hard to understand, to represent students, teacher and researchers patient search for knowledge.

    * The old logo will still be used for ceremonial purposes.

    And my 2 cents: they almost always also write the translation, so I dont think it should be looked upon as something you are supposed to try to read at a glance, but more like something that might be somewhat intriguing. Therefore this should, and is, not being used for things that are important to read, but just as a recognizable symbol of the university, which change all the time, while still being easily recognizable.

    Here is a example of it being used IRL:


  6. I find it so funny how clearly the font is not supposed to be used for headlines or text. Other have said this but it’s a way of creating graphics procedurally, where the constraints is the language itself. It’s really interesting in that light. Personally I dont have a massive design history, (still in university) but I could see this used better as a border instead of a “headline”.

  7. I didn’t read the post title and thought this was for a made up alien language on r/worldbuilding. I was like ‘eh, yeah, seems kind of unrealistic though. who would go through all that trouble?’ jfc

  8. From an aesthetics standpoint, it’s kinda cool. But literally everything else about it is complete trash.

  9. I think that the worst one is the “W.” It takes up the space of at least two letters.

  10. Jeg har selv læst til mediegrafiker og skiltemaler, og dét der, det er fucked up!
    Jeg kan dog give en mulig forklaring – Jeg tror fonten kun er tiltænkt brug i meget få tilfælde, så som logoet for AU. Jeg kan se på universitetets hjemmeside at de gør brug af en meget mere læsbar version.
    Er det ikke bare et spørgsmål om at der er nogen der har fået fingrene i fonten via universitetets designmanual, og så har brugt den uhensigtsmæssigt?

  11. I actually enjoy the challenge of typefaces like this. With enough exposure to a typeface like this, it becomes relatively easy to read.

    Or it would be, if not for the overlaying thing.

  12. That genuinely looks like a language someone has made up for a sci-fi videogame or something… wtf.
    Are you actually supposed to be able to read it or is it just an art thing?

  13. Good old Aarhus University.

    I’m actually using this font as “runes” in a DnD game I’m running for a few friends. Took them months to work out how to read it, I had scattered a few clues around and eventually they figured it out. It was pretty entertaining 🙂

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