در شرایط که vpn فوق العاده برای شما به طور متوسط است مهم جو که نگران حریم خصوصی خود را یا می خواهد به دردسر برای دانلود فیلم یا آهنگ در حال حاضر و پس از آن اما آنچه مورد بیشتر جدی گرفتن. برای مثال اگر من چینی ضد دولت وبلاگ یا روسی ضد فساد/پوتین اراده فعال vpn هم چیزی می شود که مفید خواهد بود? اگر شما بدون ورود به سیستم شبکه اختصاصی مجازی و بالا به شما می گویند در whistleblower پیگیری می خواهید حفاظت/ایمنی این هنوز هم به این ترتیب است؟ و یا برای موارد مثل آن فقط در نظر گرفته شده است در ابتدا ذکر شد این امر می تواند بیش از حد بدون هیچ زحمتی برای موارد کوچک سرخ?
9 دیدگاه برای “VPN برای حفاظت جدی”
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And pick your VPN wisely. All are not created equal.
Host machine ideally being from a linux host with VPN and protected network, also within Linux running something like Tails or Whonix in a virtual machine. Doubt anything could get through that.
the only way to do vpn for serious cases like whistleblowers is to just set-up your vpn on as vps from a hoster that supports free speech. like flokinet.se .setting up a vpn is a 10 minute thig with all the automated setup scripts available at github.
If you are a Chinese or a Russian blogger / activist use VPNs based in the US. If you are US blogger / activist then do the opposite.
Also never use your personal computer to do such things, find a public computer on libraries, game stations and cybercafes. Be sure to conceal your face properly so they can’t track you with their CCTV and if possible, instead of VPN boot OS like TAILs from your flashdrive. But I am afraid you won’t find many computers in public which will let you have access to their bios to do it. But again, many public pcs don’t have admin rights to users so you can’t install VPNs on them to begin with. So just to be safe buy a cheap laptop, do your thing and burn it to the ground. I mean literally. Don’t just throw it away.
P.S: Don’t use your home connection to do it. Find public wifi or steal from your local McDonalds or whatever.
Goodluck OP. I hope you have something big for us.
Thatoneprivacyguy is a cuck.