ما آماده برای قطع و شروع به جای جریان. من مورد Comcast throttling سرعت پس از آستانه داده ها استفاده می شود شده است خواندن. پنهان کردن VPN, y استفاده از Comcast را?
ما قصد نصب VPN بر روی هر کامپیوتر و یا اپل تلویزیون و غیره… و استفاده به عنوان مورد نیاز. وجود هنوز مودم و روتر بدون اگر خواهد که هر چیزی تغییر کند؟ وجود دارد هیچ شانسی که من فناوری به اندازه کافی درک درستی را تابع روتر و شبکه اختصاصی مجازی چیزی است که ما همیشه نیاز نیست، اگر چه من می توانم بفهم آن حس ساخت تمام وقت اینترنت سرعت بالا ماندن.
با تشکر برای کمک. سخت است بدانند که ارائه دهندگان را بیشتر حس است.
No it won’t. Your ISP can’t read your traffic but they still see the amount of data you use.
I don’t think Comcast throttles after a certain amount of data has been used. They just charge you more. Either way a VPN would not work.
You can’t hide the amount of data used, just what that data is.
It depends on what the throttle policy is. If their policy is throttle everything after X amount of data across your connection is used then a VPN won’t do anything.
However if their policy is to throttle only Netflix or to only monitor Netflix usage then yes a VPN will help you as they won’t be able to tell you are using Netflix even when you are.
It MIGHT help, but as others have noted, it depends on the company policy, which could be more opaque than it lets on. I have seen speeds increase when connecting to a VPN both in the U.S. when back home visiting and in China, where I currently live. China is a very different situation, of course, as most traffic coming into the country is throttled and adding a layer of encryption can help avoid that by avoiding deep packet inspection.
For the U.S., I don’t have experience with Comcast, but I’ve seen a VPN occasionally speed up traffic on another cable provider. I believe the main reason behind this has to do with more efficient routing. It’s entirely possible traffic from Netflix is throttled this way [as happened in the past](https://qz.com/256586/the-inside-story-of-how-netflix-came-to-pay-comcast-for-internet-traffic/). But Netflix worked things out with Comcast, gaining direct access to their network as I understand it.
If Comcast automatically throttles you down to certain speed after a certain amount of bandwidth is used, a VPN won’t help, as others pointed out. However, it’s possible networks discriminate against high bandwidth services. It doesn’t hurt to try a VPN in that case. You can even set up a Shadowsocks proxy on a VPS to try it out. Outline (/r/outlinevpn), a new service from a Google sister company makes that really easy, too. A proxy is likely to be faster than a VPN and will give you some idea of whether traffic is being throttled from a specific source.
Odds are good that a VPN or a proxy won’t help, though. Even with a VPN in the U.S., I would normally see download speeds level out after a short period of time, though initial speeds with the VPN were occasionally faster. A VPN can also cause other problems now that Netflix, Hulu and others are actively trying to block them. If you notice streaming is unusually slow, maybe try out a VPN or proxy to see if it improves things. Don’t expect miracles, though.
Verizon or one of the other mobile carriers might throttle you after you go over their “unlimited” data cap but Comcast will just let you fly past your data limit. Hell, they will probably boost the speed as you will now be paying by the megabyte.
They don’t throttle. They get mad stacks of cash when you go over your data usage allotment. It’s in their best interest to keep you at full speed.
With what are you having speed issues?
I am finding that my speed is trash with VPN engaged. So much so that I think they are unhappy they can’t snoop and are throttling to degrade my service and discourage VPN usage.
Speed tests reflect the slow down and VPN’s boasted/tested speed can’t be reached.